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Impact measurement toolkit for GreenTec

We developed an impact measurement toolkit and an impact report for GreenTec Capital Partners to help them quantify and communicate about the impact of its investees

GreenTec Capital Partners (GreenTec) is a German-based investor focused on African early-stage start-ups. GreenTec’s strategy consists of identifying early stage businesses with a strong proof of concept and helping them evolve into thriving sustainable enterprises through a results-for-equity-model. GreenTec asked Steward Redqueen to build a toolkit to assess the impact of its investee companies and develop an impact report to communicate this impact to its stakeholders.

The toolkit measures impact based on five key indicators of economic, social, and environmental nature. It provides estimates for the value added and jobs supported directly and in the investees’ value chains. Moreover, the toolkit estimates the investees’ contributions to women empowerment, the quality of the jobs supported and their C02 emissions.

We also wrote an impact report for GreenTec), by integrating the quantitative impact results with research on the contribution of the investees to their countries’ development agendas. To allow a more in-depth understanding of how GreenTec supports its investee companies, we conducted interviews and incorporated four case studies on selected investees.

Our work allows GreenTec to understand, quantify and communicate the impact of its activities within the context of their investees’ host countries, thereby facilitating insights on where to increase support to maximise impact. GreenTec’s impact report can be found at the following link.